

Saturday, December 29, 2018


This is Peaches my new cat.

I couldn't bear being alone so I got her soon after Toby died. Her personality is completely different and it took until now for her to get used to me. She still spends most of her day hiding but comes out to sit beside me when I watch TV or read a book.

I'll always miss Toby but Peaches has touched me.

Monday, November 5, 2018


Toby died Friday.

This is how I want to remember him.m y beautiful topazeyed boy.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

New cat tree

look what my dad made for his grandcat

I said I needed another cat tree and he offered to make one.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Sink bed

Liking the sink.

Better than falling out of this window. I leaned against the screen and bam...I was on the porch. Mom grabbed me before I could scamper away. Not fair at all.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Caught again

Mom caught me again.

She flushed it and I had to watch, then stick my nose in.

Mom's computer is in the shop. She probably won't get it back until August.

She's bummed.

At least now she plays with me more.

She's got a lot of pics of me sleeping and playing in the dryer.  I love it.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Top of the morning

Mom took me for a walk this morning.

I sniffed the bush like always then jumped up onto the neighbor's railing.

There's just something about that bush that I like. I spend ten minutes sniffing it before I wander off to look at other things.

This time it was the neighbor's railing that caught my attention.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Making a nest

I knocked down Mom's stack of papers, then proceeded to lay on them so she couldn't pick them up.


I just wanted to make a nest. The papers are cooler to lay on than the carpet. No more tile so I have to make do.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Morning amble

Mom took me for a stroll earlier this morning

She's got a book signing today and wanted to get my walk out of the way before she got ready.

I spent ten minutes exploring the plant, sniffing and pawing before I was satisfied.

Then I sniffed Mom's car.

Everything smells so good with the morning dew still on it.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Morning walk

Morning walk.

I jumped up on the neighboring fence.

Oh, was that a squirrel?

Thursday, May 3, 2018

I got a box! Igot abox!

Mom got a package in the mail and I got the box.


I sat in it.

I lay in it.

I jumped in and out of it.

I just love boxes!

Mom had a hard time getting me to sit still long enough in it to snap a good pic.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Daily walks?

Mom took me outside again today.

She said it might be a daily thing if I behave myself.

I'm always puurrfect!


Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Mom took me out and I rolled in the grass.

A truck came by and scared me though.

Rosie's Mom calls me Mr. Chicken for a reason.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Went outside again.

Got scared when a neighbor pulled in and headed back up the stairs.

Mom told me it was only the neighbor next door but I didn't care and we cut the outside time short. 

I'll get her to take me out later.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

throwback purrsday

He loves that stick. He played until it was ragged. I get him a new one at least once a year at Christmas, but some times I have to get another because he breaks or tears them. He broke one but he still got a ragged one that he plays with.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Exploring outside again.

I jumped on the neighbor's car and saw a bird.

I was in the tree for a bit with some birds too. The leash wasn't long enough for me to get them.

I also rolled around on the ground. I had to give myself a bath to get rid of the dirt, but I loved it.

and of course I chased some leaves.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Plastic bed

Mom piled all these bags up on my chair so I kneaded and kneaded, then laid myself down.

The heater is off so these bags make a warm bed.

Mom's conserving electric.

She got robbed and she's on a bit of a frenzy thing right now since she's upset. I figured I'd stay out of the way and nap.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

In my 'man' cave again

 Mom did a load and I had to investigate of course.

She washed all my scent off so I have to get my fur all over everything again.


Monday, April 2, 2018

More adventures outside

I got to explore outside the building and in another tree.

There's lots to explore where we live.

Different from the apartment we used to live in.

I didn't like going outside at the other place, too many people. Here just a lot of noise from cars

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Lord Toby

Here are two photos from our walk today to make up for not posting for a while. We had some stuff come up and well I fell behind on his postings.

He was not happy with me since I hadn''t taken him out in awhile so he lay at the door until I got the hint.

He explored each landing, then went out into the yard.

He sat at the base of the tree meowing so I put him up in the first cross branch and he sat there a while.

Lord of all he surveys. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Mom was looking through the books so I jumped up and showed her my belly.

I didn't want her to get lost in a book.

I want her to pay attention to me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


First signs of spring

Mom took me for a walk this morning and we saw these.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A sit-in

Mom's messin' with stuff again.

She's paying too much attention to this crap.

I want her to pet me.

Her eyes and hands should be on me!

I'm the important one here!


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My (man) Cave

I got in the dryer again.

I just love that warm spot.

It's dark and warm even when Mom doesn't use it.

Whether there are clothes in there or not I can roll around in it and sniff.

The second that door opens I'm there!

Monday, March 12, 2018


Staring out the window pane
Upon the moving car lane
A noise happened behind me
So I turned to see
Someone strange lying there
Mom's old friend is here
I forgot he came

Phew, writing a poem is too hard. I'll leave that for Mom.

Mom's friend has a job interview today and he spent the morning here after he got off work early this morning.

Hope he gets the job.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Mom is cleaning out drawers.

I decided to help her by making sure these papers don't walk away.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

New cat tree location

Mom's been on a re-organizing kick.

She moved my tree to the other window in the living room and I like it better here. I can see the trash bin and watch the people walking around the bin and parking lot.

Way better than the traffic light.

Monday, March 5, 2018

is this a new box for me?

Mom put up this new bookcase and it has storage bins.

I think these are new boxes for me.

I pulled one out and hopped inside.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Kitty News Thursday

The squirrel! The squirrel!

I saw a squirrel today.

Too bad I can't go through the screen and get him.

I kept twitching and Mom came over and saw the squirrel too. I sooo badly wanted that squirrel.

Mom says she thinks it might be a nice day today so she opened the windows. I love it when she does that. I can smell everything outside and not move from my perch.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Vacuum day

Mom's cleaning so I sit up here so the vacuum doesn't get me.

When she's done I'll prowl around and smell everything.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lave Tuesday

Mom's done with the closet and I'm taking a nap in her hanging organizer. 

She's working on the bookcases and her old toy box now.

She kept her old toy box and uses it as storage. I like to hop in it when she opens it.

Maybe she'll catch a pic of me in it. 

After I take my nap.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Lave Catturday

Mom and the stranger are reorganizing the closet.

I'm bored.

No one's paying attention to me

I'm trying to be cute so Mom will pet me and leave that closet alone. It was fine just the way it was. All those piles of clothes laying where I can lay on them.

Because of me they only got half done today.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Throwback Purrsday

Mom got a dragon toy that year.

I liked the box of course.

If I fits I sits--MOL!

She doesn't have it anymore but we got pictures!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Bag play

Mom got me a bag!

I love both bags and boxes.

It was sitting upright, then I jumped in it and now it's laying on its side.

I rolled it around a few times too.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday6 News

Helping Mom with her writing.

This one must be about me.

It says Love Issue and she loves me.

The three R's today--Reading, Writing, and Raining

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Open the window, Mom.

It's warm outside and I want to smell the cars going by.

Throwback Pursday 5

First visit to the Vet. I didn't know what was going on. Mom just loaded me into the carrier and drove.

I hate the car.

Then we went into this strange building.  There were all these weird smells.

Dogs had been there!

I also got a Pet-a-cure while we waited. I don't know what to think of that!

After that Mom put me on a table and opened my door.

I didn't like this at all.

Especially when they took my temperature. That thing doesn't go there!

But Mom gave me a treat when we got home. So not too bad of a day.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


A squirrel!

I see a squirrel.

First I've seen in two months.

I guess it's warm enough today for him to venture out.

Can I have him, Mom?

Can I,  Mom?


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Meoowwyy Tuesday 5

I took advantage of Mom's clean counter.

I showed her my tummy, then smacked her hand when she went to rub it. MOL.

Like the comic below, I want petting but only with your eyes!


Monday, February 12, 2018


Hello there.

Wanted to do a selfie today.

All that ice outside means nothing going on out there.

Mom's steps are still icy and she only went out to throw the my cat litter away.